Math or Verbal?
Since enrolling in full-time daycare six months ago, Miles's counting and speech skills have developed from barely existent to fairly elaborate.
My three-and-a-half-year-old now counts like this:
"...ten, eleven, fourteen, nineteen, two-teen."
He can recite days of the week very fast.
"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sixday."
I heard Miles sing-screaming this last week. I was in the kitchen, he was two doors down in the toy room.
"...Buckle your shoe! Three, four, pick up sticks! Five, six, close the gate!"
Clearly he's balanced. He's not annoyingly strong on either the verbal or math side, just perfectly centered somewhere in the middle. Yes, he's perfect.
He has learned so much in daycare, things I couldn't single-handedly teach him. The teachers insist Miles is an enthusiastic helper and a great listener. More than one teacher has noticed that Miles can cut square and circle shapes with the precision of a boy
months older. But what I find most endearing of all his recent changes, is how being in a large, multi-room facility, under one enormous roof, can shape my boy's language.
Our home is a quarter-mile away from a house with a barn and a horse. Miles will ask me once a week: "Want to take a walk down the hallway and see the pony?"