Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Ma you want waffle tween?"

I was at the computer, Googling directions.

Waffle Tween. This could translate to.... waffle queen?

"Miles," I said without turning my head from the computer, "what do you need?"

"Waffa tween. You know, for you twooes."

Waffle Queen for my Clothes.

No matter how I massaged the words from MilesSpeak to English, nothing sounded familiar.

I pushed away from the pc and squatted in front of the couch, in between Miles's face and some show on Sprout, a children's television network.

Tell me once more, I requested.

"Waffa Tween, for stains on twooes." He was pantomiming squirting something into his palm and then rubbing it briskly.

Then I remembered the most recent commercial. OxiClean.

My first thought was, wow, the advertising department at Sprout would be so psyched to read this post.

I suggested we flip back to the public television channel.

Monday, April 06, 2009

"You bring my birthday back on today?"

Miles is very good about cherishing festive days. As late as March 6 he asked if Christmas would be back on again any time soon.

Today, the day after his birthday, he yearns for yesterday. I remember that feeling.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

"Here's your pock-shit," Miles sang to me this morning, handing me an oversized Lego-like red block from his push truck. He handed a yellow one to his brother.

I considered Miles's word for a long time.

"Pock-shits," he tried to explain. "You know, like at the post office, or from the big brown trucks.... Where we get our pock-shits."

Packages! The UPS truck description saved me. Thank God our genius son can read. (See post from 4/13/07.)