Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A few months ago, Miles crept into bed with us at 6 am. He sneezed and I whispered “God bless you.” In his early morning creaky voice, he said, “Bleshyou too, Momma.”

Yesterday I chirped “Morning!” at the site of him in his footsie pajamas. “Morning toooo,” he lingered as he hugged me.

This afternoon, right before his nap, I told him how proud I was of the way he shared toys at a kiddy party we had just attended. I told him how I really liked his friends but that I especially loved him.

“You know why I super duper love you?” I asked, leaning in for a final kiss, hoping it would help send him off to sleep. “Because you are my son.”

“You’re my son, toooooooooooo,” he said, patting me gently on the back.

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