You Have A Big Belly
We were dancing to Madagascar's closing credits ("I Like to Move It").
I was showing off some of newly learned Zumba moves.
Between gleeful spins, Miles looked at my belly and said, "You have a baby in dare?"
And I said nooooooooooooo.
"You have a big belly, " Miles observed, squishing and kneading my post-pregnancy boingy abdomen.
I had been pretty cranky all morning. Baby Charlie is sick and fussy. I had also learned Miles's pre-school was closed due to a pending snowstorm. I was bummed, I was looking forward to work. I was not so good being flexible today.
But in the thick of my hissy fits, I kept thinking, Thank God Miles is old enough to stay glued to the TV/DVD player while I shower. How do some women have kids 15 months apart? How do some women have three or more? I'm struggling today and my worst news is that I get to play hooky.
Back to dancing in front of the TV:
"Mommy, you put another baby in dare?" my dancing son inquired again. Actually, it sounded like a request.
"Miles do you want another baby in there?"
I knew the answer. He doesn't like sharing my attention with his six-month-old brother.
"Yes!" he answered, surprising me.
"What would you call your new brother or sister?"
"CaitlinMelissa?" (Caitlin is his out-of-state girlfriend, Melissa is her 15-month younger sister.)
"No, just Caitlin," he corrected himself.
"But if you had anudder one we could call her Melissa too O-tay? I yike to move it, move it!"
I left him right there on our living room dance floor to email Caitlin and Melissa's mom.
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