Saturday, October 03, 2009

Are we in New Hampster?
We traveled to Jefferson, New Hampshire, last month to visit Santa's Village. We had such a good time that New Hampster is the new destination of choice.

What's more beautiful to you, tree leaves or the mustang car?
Leaves. You?
I choose mustang. Cause it's a race car.
I started to defend my answer. I chatted up leaves' role in helping us breathe, their great shapes, the beauty in their colorful death, their veiny parts, their crunch under our shoes.
Wait no I change my answer. Both are beautiful, right mom?
Then I thought about the shape of Mustang fenders. I contemplated the complexity of car engines, auto plant production lines, and how many humans and robots put together a car. And I said Yes, you are right son.

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